Douglas H. Everett once said “There are some people, who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” I want to be one of those people. I have never had a future aspiration, but I have had many unrealistic dreams. I wasn’t the kid who wanted to be the doctor or the firefighter when I was 5. Even now, I haven’t a clue on what I want to do.
But from my avid devotion to televised competition shows I have jumped from occupation to occupation, in my dreams of course. So at a time, I have dreamt of being a chef, interior designer, restaurateur, writer, etc. But soon I tire of such fantasies, and I return to clueless me. Not a clue on what to do.
This past week I have been trying to borrow the dreams of others for this competition, sadly this is what I resorted to, but I also found out that others are just as unsure as me, though one did say she would like to be able to fly, that would be nice, except I’m terrified of heights so I guess not.
Though it isn’t a good thing to not know what you want to do, it isn’t surprising to find out that others are just as clueless as me because this time period as defined by Erikson is Identity vs. Role Confusion. So teenagers like me are pretty much meant to be this way. We don’t know what we want to do, how to get there, so we just keep trying new things out to find our true selves.
So if the world is supposedly going to end today, than my dream has to be that I it doesn’t. And as Lewis Carroll once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”
Yup this was the speech and guess what, my mom is making me go to the semi finals!!!! ARG! I don't want to! I hope I suck so bad that they won't let me go to the finals. Yup the fight continues. I found out a few days ago that the real reason she is mad at my sister (and me?) is because she wants to beat this record that she has set when she gives her mom the silent treatment. I feel bad for her mom all the time. Yup. Which is a really spoiled kid move and like who does that?? I now think that this friendship cannot be saved. Thank Goddess I'm going to college soon. I already have this list of people that I avoid because of ruined friendships. Wow, I'm really not a people person. Darn now I have to return her Wii games to her.
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