Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ahh, my childhood!

So, it's the infamous finals week. I only have 2 finals, but I need to do really well if I want to get like an A- because I'm in B territory right now. I screwed up on my Nutrition Test on Friday, so that means I'm going to get like a B for that class. Sad face.

So I should be studying for World Civilizations, but it's a drag and really boring. I was up late last night until 3 am watching The Ring (double shudder-not that I was really watching, more like I was hiding under a blanket and occasionally peeking at the movie) and Men in Black 3 (although I haven't seen the first or second one, which I should go watch soon).

Also, sidenote. Why is it that a lot of scary movies have a Japanese version? Like those are really scary! Meh, I hate scary movies, but my friends love them and I want to hang out with my friends, so I stupidly go and "watch." I'm still scarred severely even when I'm not watching.

SO anyway, I suggested we should watch Mulan and of course my guy friends shoot me down like as soon as I said it, so even though I just watched it, I feel like watching it right now. Even though I have a final tomorrow and I've barely studied. I'll skim watch it, but still I know I'm being a bad student here.

I've been binge watching Disney Movies like Tarzan, the Lion King, Mulan, etc. I just felt like in a Disney mood recently.
 So Aiba Bye Bye!!!!! It's almost his birthday!! Dec 24th. Also, Happy belated 32nd Birthday Ohno Satoshi!!!! 

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