Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today's a lazy day

Man, today is definitely a lazy day (thank goddess for spell check or I'd be misspelling things left and right >.<) No matter how hard I try to do work today, I either end up wasting my time watching interesting videos on Youtube or just plain lazing around. Don't you hate it when you nap too long and your head starts hurting? Glarg. I'm very much behind on work: even though I planned on getting a lot accomplished during April Break (ULTIMATE FAIL). Hmm. Blogging seems kind of fun. You can rant all you want and no one really cares... I guess.  Anyways, back to work, or until I get distracted again. "Over yonder a Monkey"-Country Bears. *cue me running away* 
Have everything be black and white OR Lose your sense of smell (thus affecting your sense of taste)?

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