Thursday, November 3, 2011

Amazing Race 19

This season has been quite interesting and I have watched enough episodes to make up a list of my favorites, at least for now. Also I joined the TAR fantasy game thing (reminds me of fantasy football whatever that may be?? Boys really like playing it even my AP Gov't teacher...weird). Whoo, 360 points! Don't know how it works really, but I pick the same people each week.

So my favorite team right now is Lawrence and Zac (though in the previous episode Lawrence had been chauvinistic b/c some of the girls couldn't sew and telling her BF that he should be careful about marrying her (in a JK way I think) which annoyed me b/c I can't sew! Sheesh.)

I also like Tommy and Andy b/c they are a bit reminiscent of my fav team ever THE COWBOYS! B/c of their attitude and also they have won a lot of legs already, so they are definitely front runners.

I also am rooting for Cindy and Ernie (although she is a bit Type A and a control freak).

I'm also surprised how Bill and Cathy (the older couple) has survived for so long. Also surprised that the Survivor winners couple had gotten eliminated so fast.

Also I think there has been so many non-elimination legs already (been 3) which is the normal number, but usually they are spread out every 3 legs, but recently it had been every 2 legs. I wonder if there are going to be any more? I want them to go to Japan, but I think that is slim. Can't wait until Sunday's episode. Hopefully I can watch it, and the Football game won't go on forever and push back 60 minutes, thus pushing back Amazing race.

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